Now, here is a MATLAB example that illustrating logical operators with conditional statements. Logical NOT( ~ ): True if the operand is false.Operand1 Operand2 Operand1 xor Operand2 True True False False True True True False True False False False Logical XOR(xor): The result of XOR is true if the two bits are different.Operand1 Operand2 Operand1 | Operand2 True True True True False True False True True False False False Logical OR( | ): True if either of the operands is true.Operand1 Operand2 Operand1 & Operand2 True True True True False False False True False False False False Logical AND(&): True if both the operands are true.
The symbols & and || are the logical short-circuit operators AND and OR.īut before we learn how to use logical operators with conditional statements, we should have a quick look at logical operators. Short-circuit logical operators permit short-circuiting on logical operations. Short-circuit: These operators function on scalar, logical expressions.The symbols &, |, and ~ are the logical array operators AND, OR, and NOT. Element-wise logical operators function detail-by-detail on logical arrays. Element-wise: These operators function on corresponding factors of logical arrays.Like any other programming language, logical operators in MATLAB are beneficial, and in this article, we will demonstrate one of its uses. The result of the operation of a logical operator is a boolean value either true or false. Logical Operators are used to combining two or more conditions/constraints or to complement the evaluation of the original condition in consideration. Image Sharpening Using Laplacian Filter and High Boost Filtering in MATLAB.MATLAB - Trapezoidal numerical integration without using trapz.How to find inverse Laplace Transforms using MATLAB ?.How to Remove Nan Values from a Matrix in MATLAB?.Reduced Row Echelon Form (rref) Matrix in MATLAB.Difference between inv() and pinv() functions in MATLAB.